Just converted the HTML-Output from greenflag.com with greenflag2mapsonus.pl and got few lines:

TURN 0 6.955939 50.941739 0 1 0 0 0 0.0
END 6.954339 50.941589 {MARK.END} End Point (Destination reached)

I input RATINGEN to KÖLN so I expected a bit more than only one turn. Could the output be ok? If I can read these lines, they say that you turn at 6.955939/50.941739 in direction (left or right, don't know). Then, at 6.954339/50.941589 I'm there, that's it. Ok, so far so good. I could imagine writing a PHP-Script that runs on my site (rowi.net) asking for name, converting and output this file to the user. So you can override those convertings. BUT, I could also imagine that this isn't fair to greenflag.com and could be punished, am I right?
If not, I'm glad to provide this service if you are happy to use it.

Connecting Empeg via Bluetooth or Wireless LAN http://empeg.rowi.net
*** Proud owner of the European Worst Install Trophy 2003 ! ***