Try using MP3-Info Extension. It works great for most things, especially mass stuff. Since it's tough to use (no documentation, hehe), I'll explain:

1. After installing (or before, if you like making things difficult), right click on the folder(s) you want to work on. This allows you to edit as many files as you want. It will select subfolders and include the MP3's contained in them automatically.
2. To remove the tags (both v1 and v2 are removed, from my experience), blank out the boxes you want to clear by clicking "remove" on the first song.
3. Press the button to the left of each field you just cleared. (This keeps that field locked for every file in the directory(ies) you right clicked on in #1.)
4. Click on APPLY and you're done. No more tags.

Let me know if you need more help in doing this. I'm not bad at using this thing. You can use the "remove" button to get rid of the tags on the first file. Some experimentation with it goes a long way.
