I think this is a bug:

I looked in the readme to see if this was configurable, but I didn't see an option for it, so I'm assuming this is a bug. Of course, we all know what happens when you make an assumption: You make an ass out of you and Umption...

On the map screen, there are three numbers to the right side of the screen. I can clearly see that the bottom two numbers are current speed and distance to next waypoint. My assumption is that the top number is supposed to be distance remaining to the final destination.

But when I was using GPSapp yesterday, as I was following the route, I noticed the top number was counting up instead of down. As if it were measuring the distance from the start of the route rather than the end of the route. My destination was about ten miles from my start, and when I finished the trip, the top number was saying about 10 miles.

Is that by design or is that a bug?

And by the way, I know I was following the correct route, not a reverse of the route. The turns were all in the right order and it tracked correctly.
Tony Fabris