Since I'm currently working sinewave support into hijack, I've had the reason to actually turn the beep volume up whilst debugging. It was one of those features that I turned off very soon after getting my empeg - certainly before it ever got installed into my car.

I've discovered though that the beep feature is well designed - different tone beeps can help you with eyes-off navigation. So I've since turned them back on in DC mode.

Now I've just realised that nothing in the hijack menu beeps, and furthermore, that extensions to allow the hijack menu (and derivatives like Popup0 and friends) shouldn't be too difficult to implement. And they should be able to use the player settings too, so if you currently have them turned off then it shouldn't cause an issue.

So my question is; Is it worth my time? I'm obviously busy with the sinewave code at the moment, and after that I'm probably going to tackle native DSP bass and treble. But if people want this, then I'll add it to my TODO list.

Usage of Player Beeps
I love them, and generally use them all the time
I use them in the car, but not on AC power
I use them on AC power, but not in the car
I hate them with a passion. No thanks

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