I think I got it to work. First, I downloaded the 1 hour .ty file I wanted (bjork and sigur ros on HBO's Reverb).

The .ty file is 1,400,064 KB long.

I tried to edit out the short HBO junk in the beginning and set an end tag. When I then processed the file, I only got a few seconds in the beginning oi the show. Subsequent tries seemed to error out. I deleted the junk mpg file that was created and re-started Tytools.

Next, I didn't add any tags and just tried to process the whole file as an SVCD with 48,000 as the audio setting. The resulting file is 1,399,334 KB and seems to be the whole show. Wahoo!

Now, how to I burn a mpg to a CD so that it will play on my DVD player??? Can I do it with Nero?

- Jon