I don't know how much memory "48" translates into. Anyone?
Looks like someone needs to familiarize himself with "the other FAQ.".

"n = number of chunks to reduce the caching area by Each chunk is reported to be a bit larger than 32kBytes. The player usually reserves 180 chunks (MkII developer image v1.03, this might change in the future and might be different on the MkI or MkIIa) for file caching, and reduces this amount by the value of ReserveCache. If ReserveCache is present, the player reports the size of its file cache upon startup."

So 48 (a value I came up for my own use and just happened to suggest as a starting point, by the way) keeps about 1.5 megs reserved for user apps. emphatic normally only uses 300 or 400k, but I was running other stuff at the time, and noticed no adverse effects, other than the player going to the disk a little more often, which was okay for my purposes.

- Tony C
my empeg stuff