You should be able to round the corners as Loren suggested without much difficulty - there is enough room. You should also be able to get rid of that little bump on the left side where the button ruins the vertical line of the main cut-out. There's room to kill there because the actual VFD is pretty small and will not be obscured.

You should also make sure to clean up the curves on the top right because right now there's something really funky happening up there.

Unfortunately compromises will always have to be made somewhere. The biggest one, IMO, is the fact you'll have to keep the same thickness as the stock face if you want to match the handle profile. Otherwise, getting the face closer to the VFD would be ideal. Also getting the lense closer to the front of the face. This would lessen he amount of VFD content obscured when viewing the empeg at an angle from the top left.

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