I think he did a good job of attempting to prove that we were more violent, though, and I think he succeeded.

I'm not so sure he really did. Sure, he posted cold numbers of gun deaths in the US compaired to other countries, but those numbers seem to be under serious scrutiny. A more apporiate number would have been one calculating violence, since last I checked, a gun wasn't the only weapon out there to commit violence with, and violence does not mean death in all cases. If indeed his focal point of the movie was violence, I want to see numbers on number of assault cases, and the odds of it affecting a citizen of that country. I have a hard time seeing that movie for anything but an anti gun/ anti NRA movie. I didn't watch it for that, as I already have my own opponions in that area and wasn't looking to supplement them.

I would find myself hard pressed to take any of his otther works seriously. With a documentary, I at least expect the figurative book cover to be a good source of identifying what would be contained inside.