I think this statement is a bit much:
We despise censors, and the worst censors are those who would dare to limit thoughts and ideas and silence dissent. THAT is un-American.
It is NOT censorship for Disney to not release a movie. It's saying that they don't want to be responsible for distributing the message. Not to say that Moore doesn't have some good points with regards to some of the Mirimax flicks like Kill Bill vol. 2, but he should have stopped short of calling it censorship. Censorhip is when you persecute someone for something they say, not failing to desceminate someone's thoughts and ideas. To force Disney to do something they didn't want would be unamercian. Unless of course they are breaking a contract. If they did they are not holding up their end of a bargin and some accountability is required, but it's still not censorship.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.