OK newbian question here so bear with me pls. I have the files and am ready to transfer them but then I read this line in Tony's Readme:
For example, to upload a file called MYFILE.BIN to location
A000 in the empeg's flash memory, using a serial cable
plugged into the COM2 port on your computer, the command
would be:

UPLOAD.EXE myfile.bin a000 2

WARNING: Using the UPLOAD.EXE file can be dangerous if you
don't use the correct file and the correct memory address.
For instance, if you try to load a kernel into the logo
address, you will render your player unbootable. Use the
UPLOAD.EXE program at your own risk, and only when you know
what you're doing.
So, what is the specific location I should upload this patch to?

Greg Demetrick