loren is right, I was just trying to upload the ZImage for the slaved functions but now I have a new and more interesting problem for Frank.


Have you or anyone tried installing displayserver on the 40 Gig model? This model has 2 20 gig drives called /drive0 and /drive1 . When I load up displayserver, it installs correctly and runs fine but my /drive1 disapears (sorta). If I go into /drive0 and do an ls I get:
fids lost+found var

if i go into /drive1 and do an ls I get

If I reload the developer 1.01 image I get the files on /drive1 back and they seem to be linked properly. So it seems to be supressing the file pointers when I run the install. Do you know of anyone else who has this problem or may be able to suggest a workaround?
