
Excellent - keep at it:

- Could you send me one of those station urls that isn't working.

- It's probably better to use my trio.xml as a base and paste in your old stations and change the unit names. I'm not going to loose sleep over this one, but it's good to know about.

- There is a problem where playback sometimes starts before the pre-buffering has finished. This will be causing your screen update problem and may also be causing skipping. I have a fix for this in that alpha3 version that I'm working on.

- Try pressing play again (on the same tune within 2 seconds) after you've queued a tune to start playback.

- As for the restart thing, I haven't noticed this myself, but I'll look out for it.

- Give your layout idea a go and I'll include it in the standard trio.xml if it works. A word of warning though: you may experience skipping and the receiver might crash if the banners are too large. But give it a go.

Paul (the tRio guy)