Sorry Damage, Still a no go. I've tried editing the xml file to add the station information as a pls file and as a m3u file which is what Streamsicle outputs natively. Anyone that has an idea on how to fix this, is much appreciated.
I'm more than happy to continue testing on it and below you'll see what i've tried.

First off my xml file has the two streamsicle entries below. Trio starts up fine so I dont believe i have any syntax problems. On top of that, when taking either of the two paths listed in the xml file and throwing them in my run line, Winamp will pull the station up immediately.

Trio.xml lines:
<station name="MaD Music Server Test" url="http://disturbance:8080/servlet/Streamsicle/playlist.m3u?action=m3u"/>
<station name="MaD Music Server" url="http://disturbance:8080/shoutcast-playlist.pls?rn=5197877&amp;file=filename.pls"/>

Under the M3U file it seems to take when i start from my rio player but i dont hear audio. Attached below is an image of the trio screen running.


Running the pls file seems to be a different story. When running that i get nothing but a bunch of beeps and garbled text like below.


If anyone has any other ideas to try, i'll be happy to play the part of the guinee pig.

*pics may not work just yet but will be up shortly*

Thanks again)
