Hi. I've been lurking on this list for a while as I contemplate buying a second generation Empeg. BTW, I'm also curious to see what the S3/Sonic|Blue acquisition will produce in the short term as far as new products go but that's a different question.

Is anyone aware of any attempt made in the Empeg developer community to have lyrics be the visual output on the screen? Ie. when you're listening to a song, you'd see the appropriate lyrics on the screen. There are all kinds of timestamp and synchronization issues, along with actually putting together lyrics and then displaying them, but I'd like to know how difficult such an endeavor would be.

Here's the reason. As some of you might know, the Holy Qur'an (the Muslim book of revelation akin to the Bible and the Torah) is recited in Arabic. It's often nice for English speakers, even those who may understand Arabic, to see an English (or Arabic) translation/script up on the screen. I for one would love to choose different reciters and see the translation and Arabic pop up on the display as the person recites. Since the empeg is infinitely hackable, or appears this way, this looks like it might be a fun weekend project. How difficult do you think this would be (ignoring the time to create MP3 files - if it means breaking them down verse by verse - and appropriate lyrics)?