Oh you tease me! That's exactly what I want to buy. Although I'd like to choose between multiple recitations. If you guys could find the name of that company, I'd love to talk to them.

If this was a PC handheld, since I'm assuming you guys did the work, would it be too hard to port their stuff over to the empeg? That is if I knew who they were or a person I could contact there.

I'd love to have this, along with an empeg and a GPS system, in my new car. If not, at some point I'm just going to have to grow this on my own - although I was kind of hoping that since empeg already went through the trouble of building a nice system designed for the car, I could piggyback on it.

I would really appreciate it if at some point you could help me by digging up the name. It's not urgent, but you'd have my gratitude.

Edited by hussein on 30/11/00 11:34 PM.