Ok... I am very frustrated.

First of all, the USB connection is very shaky. When I open emplode it would only read my player 1/4 of the time. Sometimes, it would say "there doesn't appear to be a device connected." Sometimes, the flashlight would just keep spinning and not detect anything. I have to keep connecting the player and power switches and restarting my computer just to get connected into the player.

Next problem, when I sychronize, it would do everything until it reaches the last step (restarting player) then freeze and the Windows Send Report thing would pop up. After I get rid of that, the emplode would just disappear and I would have to return to my first problem.

Problem 3: The really really sad part is... sometimes it wouldn't even sychronize and the player would freeze right when I hit sychronize. This just forces me to sychronize even more so I won't lose all my work. Again, the windows send report pops up and emplode closes itself... Repeat to problem 1.

I'm thinking about using the ethernet connection but I want to get this straightened out before I move on.