Could win? Only if all of these peices that he would have no control over fall into place.

You seem to be basing this assumption of complexity on the notion that somehow the gambit *must* be made to work. That is not so. If you accept the notion that what you try to throw at the wall may not stick, then the conspiratorial maneuver I have suggested (anonymously supplied memos) is completely fire-and-forget. All you need is a word processor or typewriter and some stamps. No phone calls. No meeting minutes. No risk. If it sticks, it sticks. If not, move on.

No-lose? Are you serious? Him being exposed in such a fraud would be about as bad as Watergate.

The risk of exposure? Negligible. And if some David Brock type comes forward on November 3rd, who cares? Page three. People will blame Rove the way they blame him for McCain's black baby, but who will drag him into court? Our esteemed AG? You see, all of those special prosecutors that dogged the likes of Bill Clinton? Why, they have vanished! A Republican magic trick!

No lose, could win. Just remember to wear rubber cloves when closing the envelope.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.