Well, I knew that sounded suspicious...

I've been supporting myself with poker playing since I'm currently out of work. The sounds are the chips clacking when someone bets/calls/raises. I use those sounds because I play multiple tables simultaneously and it can get a bit hectic.

Anyhow, if my system volume is adjusted loud enough for Winamp, the chip clacking is obnoxious. I don't just want to turn it off, because it helps orient me in the games. 4 tables is about 200-240 hands per hour, so the auditory cues help a lot. There is also a "chime" sound when the action is to me and I need to make a decision at a particular table. This chime gets rather obnoxious when I am playing very quiet (classical, some folk) mp3s at a decent listening volume.

How winamp seems to work is that its volume attenuates the music volume, but it does not increase the volume beyond the system volume. 100% Winamp volume = 100% system volume. That's the problem.

I appreciate the thoughts.
