Great idea. I never thought of that. What a great way to get a backup of your empeg. Just WebWhack displayserver. Brilliant.

That's the power of an open protocol. Every programming-language can interface with a network-service with minimal effort.
I like it. If you like it too, have a look at plan9, an OS which was developed at Bell Labs which takes this kind of interfacing to the maximum.
to give you an idea of how it works, look at the /proc under linux, which was borrowed from plan9. Another great design is the ability to mount remote processors in your filesystem instead of traditional telnet/rsh functionality. All services have a file interface; to resolve a hostname using DNS you would have to cat a request to a file and read the result back from the same file. Anyway, read the papers there if you think it's interesting

Question for Frank: When Displayserver shows the names of the MP3s, is it pulling the tag data to get that, or is it pulling the empeg database to get
that? If the latter, then someone could use this technique to retrieve the MP3s, then use Tag Studio to batch-apply filenames to the tags. Done.

mp3list.html ( the page in displayserver which shows the main playlist ) is generated by reading the main fid, reading the titles from the corresponding *1 fids; when a *1 fid is clicked, it's *0 fid is opened for reading the next level of fids, and so on... (Is this confusing?)
Can Tag Studio be set up to retrieve tags from the file name? If so, I should also take care of a unique seperator between tag-data in the filenames. The year and maybe other tags(comment,genre) should be added for full functionality, I agree...

Yes, that would work with ethernet only because displayserver only works over ethernet.

I've just downloaded Borland C++ 5.5 from their website to try to compile the connection classes with USB support from emptool on win32. I have a working link allready, but it is only one way; from PC to empeg

Frank van Gestel
Frank van Gestel