Games might be another matter. I don't know if they're commonly multi-threaded or not. It seems like they would be.

Quake 3 was about the only commercial game to really attempt full SMP support, and end the end they turned it back off. Multithreading is slowly being used in more games, but slowly. Most developers are being forced into it now, with the next gen consoles all being highly parallel, and even desktops seemingly moving towards dual core and such as becoming common.

And of those, many do if you know what stuff to tweak in their configuration files.

The widescreen tweaking has become more common then I have thought. I've had quite a decent response to GRS, even though it was initially intended for the few people who change resolutions often. I'm hoping to make 0.5 a better general widescreen program, with code already in place to adjust FOV properly and such.

widescreengamingforum.com is also another good resource.