I figured I should follow up now that I'm home w/ the unit. The delay skipping tracks on the Audiotron is more on the order of 3-5 seconds. I don't want to mislead anyone. One thing to be aware of is that the headphone output is crap (if that is what interests you). I've heard the analog RCA outs have a lower signal then some people want, but I've never tried them with the Toslink option there. The Toslink output is what you would expect (great).

Right now it indexes about 10-11,000 tags before it stops adding them to it's database. This is a software limitation according to Turtle Beach, and will be at least doubled in the next revision. The unit also streams WMA and WAV files.

All in all, for $299 it one of the best toys I've bought in a while. Don't get me wrong, it's not as cool as the Empeg car, that is hopefully on a FedEx plane right now heading for Montana. And it also has plenty of competition. But for some reason a lot of other models neglect the digital out. My next choice was definitely the Lansonic at 1k$. More features, outputs, etc. Being that I'm looking to drop drop 3 more players like this around a new house next year, the Audiotron price & s/pdif output made it the winner.
