Orcad is very expensive indeed. I believe the new version starts at about $7500? Oh well.

That is indeed expensive.

However, if you want to see ultra-crazy CAD software pricing, check out the price for single-seat licenses of IC Design software sometime.

Tools from Synopsys, Cadence, Magma, etc. tend to run over $50,000 per tool.
Even HSPICE isn't too cheap.

I have a friend who has a laptop with well over $200,000 worth of IC CAD software on it!

He tends to keep an eye on that laptop....

I don't know anything about even more limited-demand CAD markets.

But I have to conjecture that somewhere there must be one person that designs the software used to make chemical plants or oil refineries, and that she sells two licenses per year at a gatrillion dollars apiece.