Hey everyone! A belated Happy New Year to you all.

I bought a HD-DVD about 25 days ago, and it looks like I'll be returning it to Best Buy for the other kind. It's not too much more money to get a 40GB PS3. I'm a casual PC gamer (Supreme Commander, anyone?), but I've never had a game console since I was a kid with my Atari 2600 and my brother's original Nintendo.

There was a place here in town selling discontinued 50" plasma 1080i screens for $800, which is how I ended up in this situation. I was foolish enough to think I could use all the old sources, but they all looked like crap. It looks nice with the HD Tivo and HD-DVD, though. I wouldn't have gotten the damned thing if I had done the research carefully. Then again, I might have. HD is quite nice.

Anyhow, so now I need a BlueRay machine. Should I get a PS3 instead? If so, how important is the size of the internal hard disk? What's it used for anyhow? Do you install your games to this hard drive or is it for something else entirely? I imagine I'd become the favorite uncle pretty quickly if I went this route.

Hope you all had a safe New Year.


Edited by TigerJimmy (07/01/2008 23:12)