I recognize your list as pointing out that the current candidates don't represent you well and that you have to pick and choose which of those things are the most important to you, but I question your conclusion of McCain.

In order, for things I can get a handle on, McCain supported the war(-), supports the "surge"(?), is anti-choice(-), gets a mediocre rating from the NRA (and worse from other gun owners groups)(-), pro-death penalty and seems to be indifferent to civil liberties(-), anti-gay marriage(-), anti-nationalized health care(+), has a wildly varying economic stance(?), and is mostly anti-environment(-). That matches you once, maybe twice, and disagrees with you at least six times. Now, maybe your opposition to a universal health care system (which doesn't necessarily imply a nationalized health care system, but which I'll ignore for now) and support for continuing the occupation of Iraq overrides the other things, but I think it's important to examine his stances closely.

But more importantly than all of that, he seldom has a single position on an issue. At best, he'll say one thing and then act differently. At worst, his record will just be all over the place. He can't even manage to stand his ground against torture, which he endured for six years in a POW camp. If he cannot stick to his guns on an issue that should be that important to him personally, how can you trust him on anything else?

Don't get snookered by his "straight talk" advertising. He talks no more straightly than any other politician.
Bitt Faulk