Originally Posted By: tonyc
Yeah, but bipartisanship itself has never solved a single problem. The only thing bipartisanship does is clear legislative hurdles through compromise. Obama (and a lot of DC pundit types) speak of bipartisanship as if it's a solution to problems in and of itself. It's not.

This is generally the big problem I have with US politics. We either have bipartisanship or we have two parties fighting against each other with polar opposite views on things. Without a 3rd viable party, or more, nearly every issue that comes down either is good to both sides equally, or completely unacceptable to one side. So we miss out on the process of two opposed sides compromising to swing a third side in their favor to gain the majority. While in theory compromise should be happening with two parties, it seems more often that things are just struck down instead since the majority party can all just say no in unison.