just thought a new thread would be better... but here is the first part of my e-mail with freescale:

i have removed e-mails to prevent spam bots from getting them


My english is limited, but i will try to explain what I want with my request.

Me and a group of Empeg owners, want to continue development on the software that is in the player.

And since no company has used the rights - for the source behind the software - for the last 7 years (i might be off by 1 or 2 years), we where wondering if it was possible to obtain the rights?

I hope that freescale are open to discuss this matter.. It would help the community a lot, since we would now be able to fix bugs and add new features.

There is no plan to make money of this work and we have talked about and GPL license...

Maybe, in the feature we would also like to make a limted production of an upgraded version of the player, but there is absolute no plan for this as i write

Best Regards

Bo Herrmannsen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Taylor Jack-R61933"
To: "Bo Herrmannsen"
Cc: "Weisman Dale-R62632"
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 8:34 AM
Subject: RE: Empeg, Riocar


We are looking into it

Can you advise as to the context of your request?

Jack Taylor

-----Original Message-----
From: Bo Herrmannsen
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 10:35 AM
To: Taylor Jack-R61933
Subject: Empeg, Riocar


It has come to my knowledge that freescale should be the owner of the
rights to the software that is used on the Empeg/Riocar player

I did some tracking and this is what i found out:

Rio bought Empeg
DNNA bought Rio
Sigmatel bought the Empeg bits from DNNA Freescale bought Sigmatel

Can you confirm this?


Bo Herrmannsen
the "monkey" who learned to check a harddrive