There's a possibility that the new display board could be offered as an upgrade, however the dimmer wouldn't work so the only gain would be the rotary control and slightly nicer looking front panel.

There's no expansion connector on the Mk.1 - there are pads on the PCB for additional RAM chips but these are surface mount and I doubt we could offer realistically priced upgrades. It would take at least an hour for a very skilled technician to fit the chips, not including stripping, rebuilding and testing the player.

We haven't exhausted all possibilities with the on-board radio - as Hugo mentioned in another post, there is still some more softwaree tweaking that could improve reception.

It wouldn't surprise me if, around the time that existing owners are offered discount Mk. 2 players, the second hand value of the originals is still high enough to cover most of that cost (maybe all of it). We'll still have several thousand people in the queue with a long-ish wait ahead of them.
