If you want a quick and very cheap way to get up to speed on gyro enabled multi rotor, then get one of these:


They are really good, especially for the money.

It really is tiny, it is amazing what they cram into such a small space. It gyros work really well, making it very stable to fly.

The gyros make getting started much easier than the micro helis I was flying. You basically never have to worry about correcting with the rudder (with the micro helis basically everything you don't involves a change to the rudder input to correct, you even have to vary the input as the battery runs down). Though I suspect there are micro helis now with similar rudder gyro magic.

It has two modes, beginner and advanced. Beginner limits the speed of the inputs and restricts the bank angles. Advanced also add basic 3D functionality (it will flip if you put full collective one direction then immediately reverse it).

It copes incredibly well with even quite strong winds outside.

It is pretty rubust, with one week point. If you manage to crash it upside down you can damage one of the motors. I did this and replace the motor. I did it again and couldn't find my soldering iron during our move, so bought another X4, so now I have two of them

The rudder gyro means my basic flying skills are coming on much better. Before I could hover tail in and a bit left side in. Now I can hover left/right side in and am beginning to be able to hover nose in

I can also fly circuits, which I could never do with my helis. Of course I now have the urge to get a mid size heli.

There are some YT clips of people doing FPV with tiny cameras on this thing. I'd love to give that a go, though the costs of half decent video goggles are putting me off.

Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday