I'm finishing my basement, doing the electrical myself, and it's come time to get the stuff wired. The big thing I need to figure out currently is the housing for the lights. I want to go with the Cree/EcoSense. I'm not seeing much that I'm loving in a 6" recessed light that isn't the LR6 for $80. I'm doing 18 of these fixtures, and my city will only subsidize $20 on 10 of them. Does this EcoSmart bulb look like the right light to be looking for?

If so then I guess I get housings with standard Edison fixtures. Or is there a different "bulb" I should get, and how does this affect my housing? Looking at the LR6 spec sheet, I could get this and just have to modify it for the LR6's connection type. So if I did get a different bulb I should be good either way with this housing?

What would you guys that are going LED suggest?

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