Huh. This could change up some NAS options on both the DIY and off the shelf type to have ZFS on Linux. I think I'm still on a path to rid my personal life of Linux, though this might help breath some new life into my existing ReadyNAS hardware before that happens.

My personal side, been sorting and reorganizing data still. Trying to get an accurate scope of what I want to carry forward on a NAS to avoid under or over buying storage. The 3 months of funemployment between contracts was useful for getting more DVDs ripped and deduping a bunch of other data.

One new goal I might try, have the data on the NAS searchable via OS X Spotlight. The only slightly solid route here seems to be a Mac server with iSCSI or direct attached disks. Been following Marco Arment's adventures with this on a Synology NAS and 3rd party iSCSI initiators for OS X. This idea appeals to me for also having a better CPU around for my Plex server then what sits inside most home off the shelf NASes.