The automatic commercial skipping is reported to be about 80% accurate. Not perfect, but good enough to make it a useful feature.

Well, yes and no.

I have a VCR with automatic commercial skipping that is about that accurate. Unfortunately, 80% accurate doesn't mean it skips 80% of the commercials and lets the other 20% through... it means that 20% of the time when it is supposed to start or stop skipping it doesn't do so. This means that about one time in 10, it continues to skip past the end of the commercial break and into the programming you had intended to watch. By the time you dig out the remote and stop it, you have to rewind maybe three or four minutes and try to find the beginning of the programming.

I actually found it was easier to just advance manually past the commercials. And with RePlay's high FF speed (60x? 80x?) you can literally skip a commercial break in three or four seconds.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"