Thanks everyone, but renaming thousands of files, just isn't an option. I removed the sub playlists and now the songs do seem to play in the same order as indicated in Emplode, as long as I don't search for a particular source and try to get that same order. As Tony suggested, it doesn't work when you do that. So I still have the same problem. All I want to do is hear any particular album in its intended order while in the middle of a playlist by searching for it and inserting it into that point in the playlist.

I don't know why the player has to be so difficult and ignore the track number info in the tags. With iTunes, if you search for an album, it plays all matches according to the track number in the ID3 tags. Not so with the Empeg. Instead you have to jump through hoops creating separate playlists for each album or renaming files, either of which would take me several days to complete.

Any plans for a halfway usable solution? If I were starting from nothing, your solutions would be fine, but I had amassed quite a collection of MP3s well before I got the Empeg and they do not follow the Empeg's naming conventions. Why can't the software just use the tag info? Seems most logical to me. Right now I am feeling very happy to have spent $400 on this and not $1200+.

If you want it to break, buy Sony!