I think you're comments are pretty good ones, although I don't find Macs as easy to use as people say they are, so I'm not comparing my Tivo to no Mac!

Anyway, I think your points are valid, so it comes down to what you want from the unit. The way I see it, if you're only going to own one unit (like me), your first point is irrelevant. Your 2nd point is only marginal to me. If Replay's commercial skip gives you a 45 minute show, fast forwarding through the same commercials on Tivo gives you about a 45 minute and 20 second show. No big deal.

I would like to be able to store content from my Tivo a little easier. If I knew more of the tech in the proceedure, I'd attempt it, but I'm too scared to do it

Again, I can't comment on the Replay, other than the remote which sure looks over-complicated to me. The Tivo remote, to me, is so perfect it needs no changes. I like it so much, it's the only remote I don't have in my Pronto.