I'll have to check the ID thing - I have no idea.

If you have a binary editor program such as UltraEdit, you can check if your files have a regular ID3 tag by looking at the last 128 bytes of the MP3 file. There should be a 128-byte block at the end of the file starting with the ASCII characters "TAG", followed by several fixed-length fields containing the tag data in ASCII. This is the data that Emplode will use to extract the song information. If it's not there, then there's nothing for Emplode to read from the file and you'll be forced to enter the tags by hand when you add them to the Empeg.

They're all networked, so hopefully not an issue to txfer.

In theory, you should be able to upload songs into the Empeg even if they're not stored on the local PC hard disk. Although I seem to remember some folks reporting problems when trying to synch files from a shared network drive, I'm pretty sure the problems were not network-related. So, in theory, you could have one of your server drives storing the MP3s, and use a client workstation to do the Emplode uploading.

Another nice thing about the Empeg is that everything is stored on the unit itself. Emplode doesn't read any local PC data files. It downloads your playlists from the Empeg when you start it up. It's sort of like a dumb terminal program. What makes this cool is that you can manage your Empeg playlists from any PC just by installing Emplode. You don't need to worry about synching data files between your home and work PCs, for example.

Did I see some mention of RJ45 support for the Mk2?

They said that it would be an option. I'm not sure how they plan to implement it. I don't know if the Mk2 Emplode will upload over ethernet or not. They said that they intended it to be for developers only (i.e., you can telnet into the box over ethernet if you like). Hugo, what's the latest word on this? Did I miss a meeting?

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris