Perhaps I'd better explain the 6% thing!

According to the help file, "Choose a VBR setting from 1 to 100, low end being the lowest quality/highest compression and high end being the highest quality/lowest compression, to customize your recording." So 6% is decidedly bad! I ended up choosing VBR at 65%.

I've had varying results (all sound good) with this setting, some files are encoded at 190 (mostly electronic trance and techo), but most are around the 150 mark. I've actually had some files encoded as low as 34 on this setting and they still sound fine (some tracks from Bryan Ferry's 'Boys and Girls').

Remember I'm listening through the PC speakers (middle of the line, with subwoofer) so not the same quality as the empeg or home setup. I've encoded over 2Gb now, which will be enough for me to start with when I get the empeg and not too many that it'll p*ss me off to have to do them all again!

What I'll do (when I get time) is to encode the same track at different rates and make them available from my FTP site - perhaps you guys could then do me the favour of testing them 'in the field' as it were?
