Oh come on. It’s not a “Republican thing.”

Your right, and I probably was a bit harsh, so I'm sorry. I do have strong feelings on that whole issue. Why do we feel compelled to vote just because of our "party"? I mean I hope that if it were a question of voting for the best interest of our country I'd vote for the best possible choice not party. I think I would.

I don't think the "Pro-Life" thing is really a deal breaker anymore. Now for me? The deal breaker is who's not going to blatantly lie, put us deeper in debt and keep losing jobs. I was never really into politics that much until this presidency. I've been sickened by every move our boy has taken. People say he's got morals and maybe thats why they like him. He's got no more morals then anyone else, they just covered the crap up better this time, he's got a cocaine past, and DUI's, some even say he was AWOL for 2 years (but that doesn't really have much proof). But all that aside, I too wish we had more choices when he was elected, yeah I voted Gore, but it was because I thought he'd have done a better job and from where I'm standing now, I think I was right.
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's