I'm attempting to "network" my Digital Video Recorders in the house. Currently I have Hughes Tivos but according to Tivo themselves, the Hughes units are not capable of handling the new "Home Media" option. This means I have to buy new units to network my house's TV's. Replay already makes networkable units and their system seems pretty slick, but I've never had any experience with the Replay stuff before. Sony or Toshiba Tivo's and Pioneer DVR's are compatable with Tivo's new Home Media Networking option. The features of the Replay network seem similar the Tivo Home Media thing as well as the functionallity of the Replay to the current Hughes Tivo's I have. Two things stand out here, (1)The Replay can stream real-time video from one unit to the other but the Tivo Home Media option doesn't mention this capability, and (2) the Home Media option says you can stream MP3 music from your PC and Replay doesn't mention this. One thing I noticed about the Pioneer is the ability to record DVR content to a DVD-r directly on the unit. Problem is the Pioneer is pricey and I'm not sure they offer a unit that is has less features and a lower price tag. Or maybe, the Pioneer is compatable with the other Tivo units so I could run one Pioneer and the rest could be Sony or Toshiba Tivos? Any of your thoughts on this would be great.
Bodybag - So Cal
Not a Whiner any more!!!