Well, Ford just made my decision for me- I will NOT be buying the Mustang. Here's the story:

So I just checked my credit before getting too deep into the car search. For reported me delinquint 30 days. I was totally confused because we just paid off my wife's car. So I called them to find out what happened. Apparently when I'd called to make the final payment and entered it over the phone (which I did in order to make sure I had the exact right amount and got it to them in time), I fat fingered the amount somehow so it was off by $70. No idea how I did that. At any rate, they did not notify me or anything but reported that I was delenquint in payment to the credit berue immediatly. This after making EVERY payment on time for the whole 5 years we paid on my wife's car.

So I talked to Ford on the phone and explained the situation- the guy said "I see what happened, you obviously intended to pay the full amount but entered the wrong thing. You had the right intentions but we don't report intentions to the Beurue- we report facts. It was all explained on the credit application that you signed."

I asked why they didn't at least try to notify me of my error and try to correct it before reporting it, and again he said "we don't deal in intentions, we deal in fact. And the fact is you didn't send in the money".

Nice. I realize there's nothing that can be done now, but jeeze, they guy didn't even try to be classy about it. Kept talking about "facts not intentions". The irony being, of course, that I called and did it over the phone specificly to make sure I was sending in the correct amount for the last payment.

So I informed the guy I'd never buy another Ford.

So no Mustang for me- Having removed that option, I'm pretty sold on the G35 and will probably go that route. Unfortunatly I'll have to take a few more months to make up the difference in cost, as I wasn't planning on buying a 40K car. Of course, that will also give me some time to check out a few of the other suggestions.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.