What are people using for a HTPC, both front end (sits under TV) and backend (just storage?)?
Is it primarily MythTV and hacked X-Boxes?

I use a single box, in a shop-built cabinet that holds up the widescreen TV.
It runs Myth (front & back), and powers on/off automatically as required,
to record shows and update it's electronic program guide (EPG).

It has dual analog (NTSC) receivers and dual digital (ATSC) receivers,
all wired up to a pair of outdoor antennas for over-the-air (OTA) reception.
The antennas reside on a 35' tower attached to the house.

Two 320GB SATA drives (RAID0) provide sufficient storage for now.
I have plans (and drives) to replace those with 750GB SATA drives.


Edited by mlord (06/04/2007 19:44)