This strikes me as the worst possible device to use for that purpose. My xbox fan is louder than my furnace at full blast. I can hardly stand to have it on at all, even when I'm playing a very loud action game with the volume cranked.

Tony, you gotta play around with XBMC on a hacked Xbox. There are options to clock down the fan speed directly or link it to the system temperature. Mine is linked to the temp and constantly spins at 10% of its normal speed - and I never hear it until I load up a game. I have it also turn off the light on the front when playing a video file, its really that unobtrusive.

Mine is a little further modified so I can turn it on and off with the remote. It boots in literally < 5 seconds. Its totally rock solid stable, so flexible and really easy to use.

Only downsides I can think of at a stretch would be that its big and ugly in the age of the Apple TV, there is no HD and it struggles with really high res files, erm, oh and the remote is tacky.