I could care less about a "holy crap" moment. I want good storytelling, and that's not what I got. I understand that they may feel that they need that for a hiatus (tangentially, 8 months!?!? WTF?), but, to me, if it affects the quality of the show, I don't want it at all. I'd rather that they have a generic episode as the finale.

Lbhe hfr bs gur jbeq "zlfgvpny" ernyyl oevatf vg ubzr sbe zr. Hc hagvy abj, nyy bs gur zlfgvpny fghss ba gur fubj pbhyq or ivrjrq sebz zhygvcyr cbvagf bs ivrj; lbh pbhyq rvgure gnxr vg nf orvat fhcreangheny be lbh pbhyq ybbx ng vg nf fpvrapr-onfrq, naq gung jnf n cbvag bs pbagragvba sbe punenpgref ba gur fubj. Ohg abj lbh'ir tbg sbhe punenpgref univat pbzzba unyyhpvangvbaf, naq nabgure guerr univat pbzzba qernzf. Vg'f tbar sebz "riragf gung pna or rkcynvarq rvgure nf zlfgvpvfz be culfvpny" gb guvatf gung ner pyrneyl zlfgvpny. Naq, ertneqyrff bs zl erny-jbeyq srryvatf nobhg zlfgvpvfz, gung znxrf gur fubj yrff pbzcyrk.

Edited by wfaulk (04/04/2007 15:18)
Bitt Faulk