hehe... yeah, i'm kinda ready for anything much of the time. i didn't even go into detail on my mini-page there about the clothes under the other rear seat and the snack food and bottled water that's almost always in my center console.

(there's also often a suit or at least some business-style clothes hangin in the back on a garment hook along with a pair of dress shoes below them.)

this all really stems from the fact that i tend to sort of not make it home 100% of the time. at least three times a week i'll be running here and there and the next thing i know i'm 50 miles away from home and it's 3 AM and i'll either crash in my truck, in someone's bed, or on someone's floor... with the knowledge that come the morning it's likely i'll have some frantic call from any number of my moronic consulting clients. come morning, i suit up and hit the road to wherever (trying to drag details out of the client while i'm on my way either up or down the NJ or PA turnpike). i'm usualy lucky enough to make it home by noon.

as for the WWIII preparedness kit in the trunk, well... let's just say i don't let life throw me curve balls that often. that, plus the fact that i like being a roadside good samaritan.

BTW, i have to say... you car is sweet lookin... i like the PS1/PS2 systems in the vehicle. are you coming to the DC-area get together? if so, i say count me in on any number of games where i'm sure you'll kick my ass (not much of a console game player, 'cept for MarioKart 64 back in college when all my friends and i got -uhm - elevated and played it for days on end instead of going to class.)

ok, it's 2 AM and i'm typing this on a laptop connected to the 'Net with a Sprint phone by the side of a lake in some township park. heh, i think maybe i've typed enough. i wonder how long ago i had a normal sleep cycle.

- Dixieland
MK1 : 6 GB : s/n 00246
MK2 : 16 GB : s/n 080000348
- Dixieland
MK1 : 6 GB : s/n 00246
MK2 : 100 GB : s/n 080000348