Originally Posted By: siberia37
Personally I find Android slow. It can take up to 10 seconds just to bring up my text messages screen sometime.

Depends on your phone model and what else you're running. Not all Android phones run the same OS version, have the same applications or UI layers.

Originally Posted By: siberia37
And it's not intuitive, my wife can't pick it up and use it without getting frustrated at it. That's usually a pretty good indication that something is not intuitive.

Again, depends on your phone as most Android phones have manufacturer specific UI modifications.

The Android OS world is fragmented which is a big problem but you can't tar & feather the entire OS because your specific phone is slow. It would be like me saying that OSX is slow but not mentioning that I'm running it on a PowerPC Mac Mini with 256MB RAM and every application possible running at the same time.