Originally Posted By: larry818
I gave up on the hardware nas approach, it's just one more thing I had to care for.

Yes, I can understand this. I'm hoping that with the right option, it's a set-it-and-forget-it operation until it's time to replace/upgrade a drive. I don't mind a bit of up-front installation/configuration time.

After trying a few of the online services, I settled on cubby.com. It works flawlessly and has the best OS integration.

That looks pretty similar to crashplan, right? The downside is that I don't see linux support (in cubby), beyond WebDAV. I also dislike the notion of having to go to the cloud, simply to get files from one room to the other. We have fiber, but it's the slowest/cheapest plan. smile

My primary interest in the cloud is for backup, rather than sharing. Aside from direct family, I'm not much of a data-sharing person.