I usually get tickets from speed traps, as I don't have a radar detector (and they're illegal here and I don't want to get into all that stealth stuff).
Aw, that's too bad. Yeah, the Stealth stuff is a PITA. I don't see how some states can get away with criminalizing a radio wave receiver. Do they also criminalize radio scanners?

I didn't have a radar detector for a long time either, because I'd never been nailed with a radar ticket. Had a pacing ticket once (the experience of which now has me checking every freeway onramp both in my side view mirror and over my right shoulder), but never a radar ticket.

Then, I got hit with radar twice in a row, once for an actual ticket ($300.00) and once only a couple weeks later for just a warning. Next purchase after that was the detector.

Little did I know he was pacing me on the other side of the highway behind several other cars.
They have to maintain continuous visual contact with you during the pacing, in order for it to stand up in court...
Tony Fabris