While we are on the subject, here are some tips to getting treated a little better when you get pulled over (this is for minor stuff, you're on your own if you're going 150mph in a school zone during construction.) Most of these tips were told to me by actual police officers.

1. Pull over AWAY from traffic. Like you and I, cops don't like to be hit by cars. Unfortunately, a lot of cops DO get hit by cars each year while standing by someone's door. So, instead of pulling over at the side of the road, use a parking lot or at least pull over as far as you can away from the road.

2. Put on your hazard lights. This is for the same reason as above. In addition to the police lights, your hazards will help warn other drivers to slow down. This also helps in case your grandmother drives by: Then you can tell her that your car broke down and the police man was helping you out!

3. If you have any tinted windows, or if it's dark out, lower all of your windows. Even if it's cold outside and even if nobody is in the backseat. The reason that tinted windows are illegal in most states is because police can't see into the car. It has nothing to do with your ability to see out. Otherwise, dark sunglasses would be illegal.

4. Turn on your interior dome light(s). Again, this will help the officer see inside the car and put them more at ease.

5. Turn off the car and put the keys on the dashboard. Turning the car off should be a no brainer, but putting the keys on the dash lets the officer know that you have no plans of making a run for it.

6. Most important: Don't lie. People lie to the police all the time and there is nothing more that will make them unsympathetic towards you. And they can smell a liar from a mile away. If they ask why you rolled down all your windows, admit your windows are tinted and you wanted them to be able to see inside. If he asks why you were speeding, don't make up a story about your wife about to give birth to your first born. Instead, admit you were careless and are embarrised about it. You don't need a good excuse, you just need to show that you are a good person who made a bad decision and feels bad for it.

I hope this helps a few of you. It won't get you out of anything real bad, but it might make the punishment a little less. But if the officer is having a really bad day or you're in a city that has monthly quotas and it's the 31st at 11pm, good luck!
Brad B.