I only 20 but I have my share of tickets although half are in state i visit maybe 3 times a year south carolina. My first ever ticket I was pulled over for going 79 in a 70 ( I was actually being passed by other cars) on I-95 coming back from a fishing trip in charleston, SC. I was pulled over by an unmarked crown vic. They had a dog, which I swear wanted to eat me sniff around my car which pissed me off but oh well then they sent me on my way with a $50 ticket. Ticket number 2 was in Atlanta about 100 feet from the speed limit changing to 65 so I got pulled for 81 in a 55 had to go to court and beg for them not to yank my license I got off with 250 bucks in a ticket 60 for DD and 24 hours of community service. Ticket 3 again in SC this time I was in the middle of nowhere on a two lane road that goes through a town where there is a building the size of an outhouse with police on the outside (I need a photo of this) anyway I was careful to drop my speed down to the 30 mph in the town well I see the "You are now leaving town" sign so I proceed to speed up.....bad idea I get nail doing 53 in a 30. Here is the kicker the cop sits in his driveway and watches TV with a radar gun and then controls the stop light at the end of town so he has time to catch you. Well the ticket was only 75 bucks and he said "dont worry this aint gonna be reported to no one so your insurance aint gonna go up" so I paid that. Ticket 4 again in SC this time I was pulled over in charleston going 12 over by an unmarked MAROON CONVERTIBLE CAMARO in all my days of speeding I was never so pissed. Also here in Atlanta the speed limit on I-75 drops to 45 mph in the city which is ridiculous because no one ever goes that speed unless there is traffic.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.