Ahhhh... perrmanent hearing loss. Well I got ttsd to work with Roadmap.. problem is I think the audio overlay code is screwed up on v3 alpha because when it did work it was so ungodly loud that I thought my ears were going to explode! I didn't know my cheap amp and factory speakers could get so loud. Anyways if someone wants to get hearing loss too, or possibly try this on v2 of the player here's the general steps:
1. Install ttsd, I suggest against using the M10ttsd preinit stuff though, just add a line like this to your config.ini instead:
;@DC ;@EXEC_ONCE /bin/sh -c "/bin/ttsd &" (assuming you install ttsd in /bin). I would also suggest making a link from /bin/flite to /drive0/flite since it's a 5 meg binary. Don't forget to set flite, ttsd and sleep executable.
2. Make a script that Roadmap can call- called tts with these contents:
echo $1 > /usr/local/ttsd
put this one-line script in your /bin directory and mark it executable
3. Now add these lines to your preferences file in your Roadmap directory:
Voice.Approach: tts 'Approaching %N'
Voice.Current Street: tts 'On %N'
Voice.Next Intersection: tts 'Next Intersection: %N'

As far as useful of the voice announcements go- they could actually be useful in some cases. I will definetly have to add an option to turn them on and off in the next release though.