>>1. If you disable the tts stuff temporairly by making "tts" not executable (chmod -x tts) does Roadmap start working again?<<

Yes it seems to work better, roadmap is responsive and the city, state, street page is updated regularly.

>>2. Are you hooking up to an actual NMEA GPS or a simulator? I'm wondering if the position updates are coming so fast from a simulator (or fast updating GPS) that it's getting bogged down<<

Actual NMEA GPS. I think its updating 1 time per second... wonder if this is too fast? Hasn't been a problem in the past...

>>3. Are you testing in AC or DC mode?<<

DC mode in the car. I have a route loaded and if I disable roadmap, the route works just like it does with regular gpsapp. Also the position updates, spedometer, altitude, etc. work properly.