(Jumping around here a bit)

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Feel free to follow up in email if you have serious intentions towards a refund.

I never claimed I wanted a refund (and you'll note that I said that if I had to pay for it, I would, but it would also be the last money that would go Empeg's way).

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I have never intentionally stated or implied that AR coated panels would be supplied free of charge to previous clients. I have said that they would be subsidised to a significant degree. They will be.

Never claimed you ever DID say they'd be free. The issue was whether they SHOULD be free.

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The product will continue to improve over time, and in the long run late purchasers do get a better deal - but early purchasers have their own reasons to get onboard when they do. That's a personal decision that I'm sure you thought through at the time you purchased an empeg car player.

I was under the impression, given past experiences with Empeg, that if there were design flaws, etc., that they would be handled.

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Even when you get your AR coated screen I'm sure you'll be back on here complaining about it. It won't work miracles. I've never seen any display technology that will remain visible in the direct Californian summer sun, although the AR coated screen does remain visible in direct sunlight here in the UK. You will also, no doubt, complain that it makes the text look a bit fuzzy. It certainly does just that, as did the Mk.1 screen.

I had no problems (or should I say, no complaints) with the Mk.I's "fuzziness". Never had even noticed it really. And I'm very capable of eating crow... if it doesn't solve the problem I'll be the first to come on here and apologize for giving you guys a hassle over something which didn't help anyway. It falls into the category of "this certainly sounds like it would solve the problem I'm seeing in the unit".

You'll note that I was also quite willing to help you in testing them "in direct California sun", and offered once or twice on the board and once or twice in e-mail. Never heard a word back on that, so unless someone else tested them for you (a possibility I'm not ignorant of) then the functionality under the conditions here are a big unknown when they could have been fairly well determined.

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Anyway, I'll go to the directors on Monday and pass on your feedback. Your views may carry a little more weight if anyone else had agreed with you (Tony - get off that fence! You are allowed to disagree with us from time to time!).

Given the response other people have gotten with their complaints here in the past, I think it just appears that people are unwilling to speak up publicly and air their contrary opinions.... Hell, I think that's true in general these days, we're conditioned not to stand up and make noise about something, we're a race of sheep.

And yeah, Tony, get off the damn fence.

I don't want you to take this personal, Rob. My dealings with everyone at Empeg have always been stellar, with this being the exception. I have nothing against "you" or anyone else there, I simply think the company is making a short-sighted decision as to how to handle it. And, like I said, if when I get my panel, it doesn't solve the problem, and it turns out I fussed over nothing, you'll see me on here apologizing profusely, but until then, I stand by my opinion that this is the wrong way to handle the issue.